#10. Complete Review of My Software: My Software Review
                                                    Overall Rating for My Software   POOR
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This software has very few features and is no longer published. Until 1999 this software was sold in boxes at retail stores. In 1999 it was pulled from the shelves and rather than destroying the stock, it was sold to liquidators who reintroduced the outdated software online in 2002 though vendors like Amazon.com. It only works on Windows 95 and 98 and won't work on XP, Vista or Windows 7.

Ease of Use
This software is impossible to use if you have Windows XP or better. I was unable to get it to install at all.

How It Works at the Bank
The software was made before Check 21 regulations and does not comply with modern check printing standards. No banks will accept these

Installation Ease
I did not get this software to install at all.

Help and Support
Their support is gone and the company is closed. This is just an old software package dumped on amazon.com and other sites and is useless.

The Full Picture
Basically, as noted above and in these public reviews, this software is totally useless.  It is available everywhere when you search for check by phone software but it won't actually work.  I rated this one the worst, although I only wasted $19 on it.

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